What are the reasons for resigning in a game of chess?

Chess is a very old board game which has a history of over 1500 years and has many changes in rules. In chess tournament players often use the resigning rule on game, but what is the reasons they resign the game. In this short blog we will discuss the things you need know about resigning. To resign a chess board game is to acknowledge that your opponent has reached a position so strong that only through gross mistakes would he/she lose. It is also a mark of respect because it assumes your opponent will not in fact make such mistakes. It's like saying, 'I surrender.' It's admitting defeat gracefully, a smart move when facing inevitable loss. But when is the right time to resign, well resigning should come when you think you are in no winnable position. So next time you're in a tough spot, consider the bigger picture. Learn when to resign and take your chess skills to the next level today!