
Showing posts with the label zagreb chess set

Basic Strategy In a chess Board Game

A great chess player can tell which side is winning by looking at the position of the pieces at chess board . Can you guess how they do it? By learning basic chess strategy concepts. Chess strategy is process to gain advantages over opponent which involve long term goal, unlike the tactics, it related to Material count, king safety, pawn structure and piece activity. There is famous saying that " chess is 99% tactics ", indeed a good tactics give great outcome but with strategy you would not create the opportunity for the tactics to take place, so it is important to know the basic of chess strategy such as following: 1) Material Count : It important to know the total material value, as it help knowing which one has material advantages. The player who has a material advantage can usually win the game by trading pieces to simplify the position and enter a winning endgame. 2) Pieces Activity : This is different from material count. A player can have less pieces but active pieces...

Timeless Exquisite 1959 Zagreb Chess Set

Inspired by the 1959 Zagreb world championship, Zagreb Chess Set is the most loved among chess enthusiasts globally. Dreaming about owning the historical masterpiece? We at chessbazaar have this chess set waiting for your online order. The distinctive classic design and craftmanship from our skilled artisans in each chess piece holds historical significance at its best. Visit chessbazaar, if you are a passionate chess collector and player and get yours today!