Chess tactical: The Forks, The Pins and The Skewers

Let's talk about something important and cool in chess: tactics! Specifically, if you want improve in chess you have to know these three awesome tactics: the fork , the pin , and the skewer . These are like secret weapons that can help you win games, First up, we've got the fork. This happens when you move your knight or any other pieces to a spot where it attacks two of your opponent's pieces at the same time. That's a fork! Your opponent has to choose which piece to save, and no matter what they pick, you'll come out ahead and have material advantage. Next, is the pin. Imagine you've got your bishop aiming straight at your opponent's queen. They can't move their queen because it's pinned to their king. That means you've got them in a tight spot, and they can't escape without losing something valuable. The only option to get out of the pin is to move away the king. Last, we've got the skewer. This one's tricky! You move your rook o...