Learn The Strength Of Every Chess Pieces

 Today let us explore the values and strengths of each chess pieces

So what is chess pieces value- It is the value of chess pieces that tells us which pieces should be trade over other chess pieces, this point really don't decide the game but give us the idea which player is more in winning position or have better advantages.

The chess pieces value determine which piece is more powerful. The pawn is value of  1 point, the knight and bishop are worth of 3 point, the rook has 5 points and the Queen is worth as 9 points. The king is only pieces that doesn't has any value, this because cannot be capture it can only be check and the main goal of the game is to checkmate the King. There is other things that should be keep in mind that is exchanging of pieces, This can tricky because a pawn to pawn trading is ok as the their value are same but the knight for a rook sound unreasonable for pieces values. But in some situation if your are winning position you think of trading.

Strength of chess pieces which follows:

1. Pawns: Pawns can use to control the center square, key square and give backup for other chess pieces. They can be promoted to King.

2. Knights: Knights are best in the center, where they can control up to eight squares. Knights work well with queens and also do a good job blocking pawns.

3. Bishops: Bishops are most useful when controlling long, unblocked diagonals. Bishops are particularly useful when you have both of them, so they can control both light and dark squares.

4. Rook: Put your rooks on open files, where they won't be blocked by pawns. Rooks are also good on semi-open files, attacking opposing pawns or defending your pawns. Rooks are effective in batteries, working together on an open rank.

5. Queen: Queens are very powerful, but you must be careful not to lose her for less valuable pieces. For that reason, queens often develop a little later than other pieces. The best use of a queen is to target the opposing king with help from other pieces.

6. King:  Early in the game you will want to castle the king to safety. In the endgame, you want to use the king to help escort pawns up the board. When it can't be checkmated, the king can be a strong piece.

For more information visit link: https://chessbazaar.de/blogs/news/schachregeln-schach-schachmatt-und-patt


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