Regulation Of Chess Tournament

 Tournament chess is played with the same rules as casual chess. The basic chess pieces movements are same. But when you are considering of playing in a tournament be advised that tournament chess is governed by rules and regulations. Official rulebooks contain hundreds of pages detailing regulations for every possible dispute or situation one might come across during a chess tournament. 

The FIDE recommend the official Tournament chess set to be in Staunton chess set pattern. In modern time most of the tournament chess set are made in India, visit this link for the best tournament chess set.

Memorizing the entire rule book is not possible. So, we put the some of the most important rule which are enough to confidently play in any tournament, which follows as:

1.Follow the touch-move rule when handling chess pieces.

2.Consult tournament directors for rule clarifications.

3.Record your chess moves for dispute resolution.

4.Quietly observe other games without interrupting play.

5.Win, lose, or draw, both players are required to make sure the proper result is recorded.


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