The Strategic Roles of Each Piece and Their Life Lessons

Chess is an ancient awesome game with rich history of 1500 years. In a chess board game there are different pieces with each pieces having their own moves and powers. The name of the pieces are the king, queen, rooks, bishops, knights, and pawns with each having unique way of movement:

King    - Moves one square in any direction.

Queen - Moves any number of squares diagonally, horizontally, or vertically.

Rook   - Moves any number of squares horizontally or vertically.

Bishop - Moves any number of squares diagonally.

Knight  - Moves in an L-shape.

Pawn   - Moves one square forward, but on its first move, it can move two squares forward.

Its strategic game of mind where each side of pieces are trying to protect their king from capturing. It's like a battle on a board!. Beside being just a board game a chess can teach us valuable life lessons too. 

Chess mainly teaches these lessons:

- You need to create your own opportunities,

- Moving forward irrespective of the situation

- It's okay to be weak, and understanding consequences of every action.

So if you haven't played chess yet give it a shot It's fun, brain-boosting and who knows you might discover a new hobby or improve your strategic thinking. Challenge a friend on physical chess set or try online chess platforms to get started. Go on, make your move!


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