Basic Strategy In a chess Board Game

A great chess player can tell which side is winning by looking at the position of the pieces at chess board. Can you guess how they do it? By learning basic chess strategy concepts. Chess strategy is process to gain advantages over opponent which involve long term goal, unlike the tactics, it related to Material count, king safety, pawn structure and piece activity.

There is famous saying that "chess is 99% tactics", indeed a good tactics give great outcome but with strategy you would not create the opportunity for the tactics to take place, so it is important to know the basic of chess strategy such as following:

1) Material Count: It important to know the total material value, as it help knowing which one has material advantages. The player who has a material advantage can usually win the game by trading pieces to simplify the position and enter a winning endgame.

2) Pieces Activity: This is different from material count. A player can have less pieces but active pieces than opponent which give a decisive advantages.

3) Pawn Structure: Placing pawns in important squares is crucial as it affect other chess strategy concept, attacking plans and pieces activity which are influenced by pawn structure.

4) Space: This is related to the number of square they have behind the pawns for the other pieces. The player with more space can more freedom of movement with an advantage of attacking and defending.

5) King safety: This is one of the most critical strategic concepts in chess. Having an unsafe king can be a losing disadvantage because it might cause you to get checkmated. 

Now you know the basic strategic concept and it's advantages it time to head over to how to improve your chess game

Luxury Chess set in Ebony & Boxwood


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