Do this to improve in Chess in short time

The rules of chess are simple and easy to remember but to improve in chess will normally take time, hard work and commitment. You might have get advice on chess from professional to focus on tactic problems, Analyse your games, practice daily, take lessons from mentor. All this stuff might bore you at some point, but here I will tell you some interesting shortcuts to improve you game which follows:

1.Give 100% to every game you game, give full attention and effort play like it's do or die. Don't try to make any excuse of loss or blunder moves you make instead find best come back move to win.

2. Don't hope in chess, your every move must be proper consideration of what your opponent will response. Make sure that for every move you make be three to four move deep. So when you make a move you must have figured out what you think is your opponent’s best reply.

3. Use your time  efficiently and wisely for each move. Since chess is all about deep thought and long analysis use your move according to the position of pieces, if you have no option then quickly play, however if there is possibilities of big tactical move then give it a real thought on it.

4. Some time your opponent make a move you didn't expect and not sure why did he played the moves. Just ignore the move and play your move anyway. Take a few moment and figure out what your enemy is up to.

5. Learn how to play against weaker players and stronger players.  It is important to know the right strategies for playing both these types of opponents. If you are playing a weaker, keep things simple and solid and look to punish any mistakes that the rabbit makes. If you are playing a stronger player you should lead them into deep complications and hope they fall in first before you do!

If you need more tips for improvement? Click How to improve your chess game.

improve chess game quickly


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