How To Make Chessboard Out Of Woods

If you have a basic wood craving skill making a wooden chess board will be very easy for you. Making a chess board from is not much difficult you just needs some basics equipment such as woods, table saw, glue, clamps, sandpaper, and measuring tools.

The process involves preparing eight strip of 2" wide and 18"  long solid wood strips of different colors, a maple and walnut work pretty well , glue them alternately to create a chessboard pattern, create four wooden strip and drill holes in the strips for alignment at border of the chessboard, assemble the chessboard and add a border. Finish it with an oil-varnish blend for a hand-rubbed appearance. Throughout the process, utilize tools like a digital caliper, crosscut sled, dowel jig, and appropriate sanding materials for a polished finish.

Feeling inspired? Start your woodworking journey and make your own chessboard! It's a fun project for all skill levels, you can check out this for ideas on chess board and pieces dimensions

wooden chess board in ebony and boxwood


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