How to Play Chess board: Learn 5 Basics Rules

Chess is an ancient strategy board game, can be play by all ages. If you are new to chess then explore the five fundamental rules, understanding these five essential rules will set you on the path to success on the chessboard.  

1.Board and Pieces:

Chessboard has 64 squares. 
Each player has 16 pieces: king, queen, rooks, knights, bishops, and pawns.


King moves one square in any direction.
Queen moves any number of squares diagonally, horizontally or vertically.
Rooks move any number of squares horizontally or vertically.
Knights move in an L-shape.
Bishops move any number of squares diagonally.
Pawns move forward one square, capture diagonally and can move two squares on their first move.


Checkmate opponent's king by trapping so it can't escape.

4.Special Moves:

Castling allows the king and rook to move together.
En passant is a pawn capture.
Promotion happens when a pawn reaches the opposite side of the board.

5.Draw Conditions:

Stalemate occurs when a player's king isn't in check but has no legal moves.
Draws also occur with insufficient material, threefold repetition or fifty-move rule.

Like any skill, practice makes perfect in chess. Analyze your game after every match and learn from your mistakes and strive to improve with each match.

If you want to know in details, do check out this interesting information on how chess pieces moves and start your journey towards becoming a chess grandmaster today.

Wooden Chess set in Ebony and Boxwood


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