En Passant Rule-Novice Accuses You For Cheating

 Have this ever happened to you? You're engaged in a friendly game of chess board, confidently executing your moves, when suddenly your opponent accuses you of cheating with a move they've never seen before: en passant. It's a scenario many novices encounter, where this lesser-known rule sparks confusion and suspicion. 

En passant, French for 'in passing,' allows a pawn to capture an opponent's pawn as if it had only moved one square, even if it moves two squares forward from its starting position. It's a strategic maneuver, often catching beginners off guard.

So, if you've ever found yourself in this situation rest assured – en passant is a legitimate move in the game of chess.  Share this insight with your friend who acuses you for cheating!

Want to know more on this click on here "All You Need to Know About En Passant Move"

En Passant Move


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